Monday, March 5, 2007


Here is some thing for the fans of really really heavy metal.I am going to focus on one classic heavy metal band.yah iam going to talk about DEEP PURPLE.You may call this band as a pioneer in heavy metal.They were formed in London in the year 1968 along with LED ZEPPELIN and BLACK SABATH.They made the way for a different kind of music called heavy metal in the world of rock.with Ian Gillan as vocalist,curtis on key board and Blackmore on guitar they started a trail of success.
their first album was IN contained the numbers like Black Night,Into the FIRE,and Speed King.the number Black Night soon topped in UK.Hillan's vocal with Lander's gitar created a new era in the rock world.they never looked the year 1972 they realesed the album Machine Head which became one of the most famous album by DEEP contained the numbers like Smoke On The Water,Highway Star,Space Truckin and Lazy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

the research done on the early days of heavy-metal seems very thoroughly done....although some light could have been shed on "The Who".. they have the Guiness record for the loudest rock concert...

also, i'd like to express my gratitude to Jimi hendrix for the music....he pioneered the electric guitar and pushed forward heavy metal into the fast-forward mode....

thank god for hendrix!!!!