Saturday, March 24, 2007


Axle rose was the founder of the revolutionary rock band Guns and Roses.This American band of nineties created a new era at that time giving some great rock numbers. Axle rose was the vocalist of this time.His melodious voice with a high tone was the main key to their success . With the legendary guitarist Slash they gave some classic rock numbers . It was very good to see Axle rose singing , running on the stage from here and there in mere shorts.His glamour and vocals atracted large crowds to their concerts.If any one has heard all of their songs they will realise the variations that he imparted to his songs.He also used to play key boards as any one can see in November Rain which has proved to be one the greatest rock number by any band. The talent of Axle rose has been reflected through rock numbers like Sweet Child of Mine, November Rain , Paradise City ,Dont Cry , Welcome To The Jungle , Civil War ,Patiance , You Could Be Mine and many more.All these has been proved to be great rock songs of all time .These songs easily toppped the Billboard Chart at that time.Their poularity climbed the top and Guns And Roses turned a major rock band in the history of rock music.After that they started their Illusion Tour which was also a gret success.Axle rose with guitarist Slash turned Guns And Roses a success story.

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